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Episode 6: The Magic and Myths of Meditation

Show Notes

Tune in to learn easy ways to make meditation a part of your life. I cover the myths and magic of meditation. Making meditation part of your life is one quick way to enhance your well-being.

Extended Show Notes

Simple tips to start a meditation practice:

1.  Set an intention

2. Create a sacred space/place.

    (make it comfortable and nurturing- candles, incense, aromatherapy, blanket)

    Outside in nature works well too!

3. Choose music, nature sounds or silence

4. Find a comfortable seat (cross legged, kneeling with pillows to sit on for support) or lay down

5. Close your eyes

6. Breathe

   (Be aware of your breathe, notice inhalations and exhalations)

7. Quiet your mind

   (Observe thoughts and let them float by)

8. Just BE in the moment of NOW

Other options to try:

1. Counting meditation- count each inhale from 1 to 10 and repeat. If you get distracted start over at       one.

2. Box breathing (inhale for a count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for count of 4 then repeat)

3. Mantra meditation- repeat a word or phrase on each inhale and/or exhale

4. Use a mandala or rosary beads in your hands and move your fingers one bead after each breath

5. Guided meditations. Available on YouTube. I also have one I can send you if you email me. Click on      contact on bottom or menu bar.

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