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Episode 14: Nutrition and Emotional Clearing As a Gateway to Radiant Health

  With Katie Heath

Show Notes

On today's show, we discuss an integrative approach to health and well-being. Holistic intuitive nutritionist and emotional counselor Katie Heath explains how the wisdom of your body can be used to clear any emotional blockages getting in the way of your ability to make choices that align with your highest good.  Clearing the emotions and unprocessed issues opens a path to  healthy lifestyle changes and choices so it is easier to eat healthy, have vibrant energy, and feel joyous.

Katie explains that you don't have to be stuck or live in internal conflict or confusion. Your path to true wellness can be found by focusing on nurturing your physical body (eating right, exercising, proper sleep, etc) in conjunction with releasing the emotional and mental aspects that are no longer serving you.   


To contact Katie directly go to:

Kathryn Heath
NTP, CNC, CNHP for 18 Years
Beyond Wellness, LLC
Holistic Intuitive Nutrition, Emotional Healing, Energy Balancing

katie heath

Extended Show Notes

Highlights from the Episode:

Nutrition and supplements

1. Your body knows what supplements and foods you need. Applied kinesiology (muscle testing) can confirm what is for your highest good and for how long before you will need to change.

2. Often times, after people get the truths that will bring their bodies into harmony/balance and ameliorate disease, they have trouble making the adjustments needed to diet and supplementation.

3. To understand where the resistance is coming from look at the relationship to self. Often the issue is due to emotional blockages or traumas the person may not even have been aware was an issue. It is important to acknowledge what the cause is and then energetically release the emotion and energy. After that, the changes are easier to make ,

The Importance of your relationship with yourself (is everything when it comes to health)

Look at all aspects (spiritual, emotional, mental and physical) and see if the relationship is based on honor, respect and love.

1. The way you talk to yourself in front of others or in your head

2. Do you get enough sleep?

3. Control what you do and do not eat

4. Have fun

5. Take care of your self- tend to your feelings- lean in to them, process them etc.

6. Re-parent yourself

Emotions and Feelings Katie has found most commonly stuck in the body and impacting health

1. worthlessness

2. shock

3. unsupported

4. taken for granted

5. frustration

Sparks of Wisdom from Katie

1. You don't have to be stuck or live in internal conflict or confusion

2. Changing your energy, reducing trauma, eliminating self-limiting beliefs, thoughts, emotions that don't serve you enables you to live how you want to live and make decisions in alignment with your highest good.

3. Find a practitioner that does a combination of science based interventions for the body and energy/ emotional balancing.

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