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Episode 3: The Wisdom of the Body

Show Notes

Tune in to learn about the mind-body connection and how you can  listen to the wisdom of your body. We start off with a discussion of the use of biofeedback and newer techniques like

Then, we discuss other profound ways to develop balance within your body by listening to its wisdom using your intuition or other guides that provide clues as to what the probable causes are for issues in specific parts of your body.

Extended Show Notes

As discussed, there are many ways to connect with the wisdom of your body. Our physical bodies communicate messages to us and we need to make sure that we pay attention to those messages.


 We can check in by using our intuition:

1.  Take a few calming breathes, or relax in mediation

2.  Close your eyes

3.  Place your hands on whatever area of your body they feel drawn to

4.  Continue to breathe deeply and wait to see what messages come to mind. They may come in the form of your attention being drawn to an area of your body, physical sensations, thoughts, visualizations….

5.  You can ask “What do I need to know for my highest good?”

6.  Listen, surrender and trust whatever comes up


How to connect using Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life:

You can purchase the book through Hay House or Amazon.

1.  Open the book to whatever physical symptom or issue you are experiencing

2.  Look at the list of probable causes and see which ones you relate to

3.  Acknowledge the causes and take a few minutes to think about how the cause relates to your situation and that will help you decide what to do next

4.  The book has affirmations you can use to assist in healing. Make sure you resonate with the affirmations otherwise adjust them to words that fit for you.

5.  You can use affirmations and/or any other method of healing that helps you acknowledge the cause (journaling, visualization, talking with someone, etc.) as well as directly addressing the physical symptom.


 Another excellent resource is Inna Segal’s: The Secret Language of your Body

 The book has extensive directions on how to use it as a guide to understanding the wisdom of the body. She uses a variety of methods such as visualization, affirmations and prayer to clear emotional and physical blockages.


 Dr. Kelly Brogan’s book: Own Your Self is another excellent resource that discusses how to reconnect with your personal authentic power.


The main idea is to find a way to listen to the wisdom of your body. You can use whatever resources help you do that. Hopefully, these ideas will help you on your journey.


Be U          Be Love       Be Present

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