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Episode 15: Natural Ways to Relieve

Stress and Anxiety

Show Notes

Tune in to learn numerous simple and effective natural strategies to reduce stress and anxiety. Topics include: science based practices such as earthing, forest bathing, essential oils, supplements and much much more! Most of these methods can be implemented today so you can shift your mood and well-being immediately.

For more research on evidence based natural strategies you can search thousands of articles on :

Extended Show Notes

Highlights from the Episode:


1. Grounding or Earthing

Walking on the earth or using a ground mat to receive a negative ionic charge which when absorbed counterbalances the positive charge of free radicals and can counter the effects cause by free radicals (Inflammation etc.)


After 40 minutes changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation and decrease in hypertension. Also shown to enhance sleep, pain relief, and decrease immune response.


A daily earthing practice has been shown to improve autoimmune conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, lupus, asthma and PMS.



Chevalier, G., Sinatra, S. T., Oschman, J. L., Sokal, K., & Sokal, P. (2012). Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth's surface electrons. Journal of environmental and public health, 2012, 291541.



2. Forest bathing

An ancient Japanese health treatment where you go into a forest and breathe the air.

Benefits include: increased immune functioning (Increase in natural killer cells and anti-cancer proteins) following a 3-day trip in the forest. Lowered heart rate, decrease in sympathetic nervous system functioning and an increase in the parasympathetic nervous system functioning after 15 minutes of forest bathing. In addition, people reported a decrease in anger, depression, fatigue and confusion and an enhancement in mood after walking in nature.




3. Salt Bathing

20-30 minutes in the ocean or a bath at home. In the bath you can use Epsom salt (detoxifying) or Kosher or Himalayan salt. A couple of pounds per bath. Once a month.


4. Natural Light exposure

Get out in natural light early in the day to help set your circadian rhythm. Bright natural light in the morning and not in the evening when you are trying to wind down to go to sleep.

5. Breathing

Check in and see if you are breathing deeply from your diaphragm or are taking shallow chest breaths.  Take HA breaths (forcefully exhale and stick out tongue while making a ha sound) to move air and energy.

6. Shake it out/ Dance

7.  Vagus nerve activation


8. Exercise

Physical exercise enhances mood. Walking, body weight exercises (sit ups, pushups) or any form of movement that incorporates the fundamentals: squat, push, pull, hinge at your personal fitness level.


9. Supplements

The following supplements have been shown to assist in decreasing stress and anxiety:

CBD, magnesium, adaptogenic herbs (Rhodiola, ashwagandha, ginseng), St. John’s wort, chamomile, passion flower, and valerian root.


10. Essential Oils

Use in a diffuser, roll on bottle, spray bottle. You can carry with you, spray on clothes or put directly on your skin.

Proven effective: peppermint, orange, rose, chamomile, frankincense, lemon, lavender, germanium.

Learn about essential oils and/or High-quality essential oils designed by Jodi Cohen can be purchased at:

To learn more about essential oils check out Dr Eric Zelinski:


11. Rescue Remedy (flower essences)


12. Social support

Connect to your self and to others. We are social beings. Relationships are important.


13. Hugs

We need nurturing contact. After 8 seconds we release oxytocin which helps us feel connected, and relaxed.


14. Massage


15. Connect to the Present Moment

Check out Episode 9 for specific embodiment practices


16. Gardening/ Plants



Sparks of Wisdom

1.  Try something…. Experiment with ways to decrease stress and anxiety and enhance your mood and well-being

2.  Have fun with whatever you try!

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